1. Please provide ratings.

Question Title

* 2. The ADN nursing curriculum was well organized and allowed me to attain my goals.

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* 3. Nursing faculty are knowledgeable in nursing content.

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* 4. Nursing faculty are knowledgeable in clinical practice.

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* 5. Nursing faculty convey a positive attitude toward students.

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* 6. Student representatives at faculty meetings provide effective channels of communication between faculty and students.

Question Title

* 7. Changes in nursing student policies, procedures, and program information are clearly and consistently communicated to students in a timely manner.

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* 8. I have access to student support services (such as the Math Center, Writing Center, Counseling) provided through the college.

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* 9. I have used college student support services.

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* 10. If yes to question #9, I am satisfied with student support services provided by the college.

Question Title

* 11. Did you meet with the Nursing Student Success Coach?

Question Title

* 12. If you answered yes to question #11, were the services provided by the Nursing Success Coach effective in improving your learning? Explain.

Question Title

* 13. I am satisfied with the advisement services provided by the nursing faculty related to course scheduling and registration.

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* 14. I have access to nursing tutoring services either by nursing faculty, peer tutors, or a designated nursing tutor?

Question Title

* 15. I have utilized nursing tutoring services.

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* 16. If you answered Yes to item #15, the nursing tutoring services were effective and had a positive effect on my grades.

Question Title

* 17. Clinical practice experiences provide adequate opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills, values and competencies to provide client care at a beginning level.

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* 18. The learning resources available in the nursing program are adequate to meet my learning needs.

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* 19. The general education courses in the nursing curriculum (Anatomy & Physiology, Psychology) add to the knowledge base needed to practice nursing.

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* 20. ATI on line resources are helpful in mastering nursing content.

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* 21. I am satisfied with the Blackboard orientation that I received for the learning management system.

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* 22. I am satisfied with the technological support that I received for  Blackboard.

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* 23. The Blackboard learning and management system facilitated my learning.

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* 24. The nursing skills lab provides adequate opportunities to practice and learn.

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* 25. The Library resources are adequate to meet my learning needs.

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* 26. The classroom facilities are appropriate to meet student learning needs.

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* 27. The nursing skills lab facilities are appropriate to meet student learning needs.

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* 28. The nursing computer lab facilities are adequate to meet student learning needs.

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* 29. I would suggest the purchase of the following equipment to enhance student learning.

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* 30. Overall I am satisfied with the quality of the nursing education I received at Northern.

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* 31. Please provide comments and examples of what has been particularly beneficial during the nursing program.

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* 32. Please provide comments and examples of what has not been beneficial about the nursing program.

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* 33. Please provide any suggestions to improve the nursing program.