Question Title

* 1. What's your Hopscotch username?

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* 2. Do you subscribe to Hopscotch Pro?

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* 3. Please rank the below Hopscotch features in terms of how important they are to your Hopscotching experience (1-most important, 9-least important)

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* 4. Imagine you could publish your games and other projects outside of the Hopscotch app. Where are the most important places you would want to publish your projects? (Please rank in order of importance, where 1-most important and 4-least important)

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* 5. Please use this field to specify which gaming website(s) you'd like to publish to, AND/OR to specify another place you'd like to be able to publish your projects.

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* 6. Imagine you could take a paid Hopscotch coding course facilitated by the Hopscotch team. Would you prefer to be able to do the course virtually, or in person?

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* 7. If you could take a paid Hopscotch course (either virtual or in-person), which of these course topics would you be most likely to buy? Please rank in order of likelihood to buy (1-most likely, 5-least likely).

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* 8. What other Hopscotch course topic(s) would you be likely to buy?

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* 9. Please rank the following in order of how likely you would be to buy each one (1-most likely, 5-least likely).

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* 10. Please add your comments on the options from the question above and why you chose those rankings.

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* 11. Please describe any other ideas you have for paid Hopscotch products that you would be likely to buy.

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* 12. Would you be willing to talk further with the Hopscotch team about your responses? If so, please provide your email address so we can reach out to you!