'Exploring the viability of environmental initiatives at Cardiff City Football Club'

Transportation survey

1.What is your age?(Required.)
2.On a scale of 1-10 how important is transport sustainability to you? 1 being not very important and 10 being very important(Required.)
3.How many games at the Cardiff City Stadium would you normally attend per season?(Required.)
4.How do you typically travel to and from football matches at the Cardiff City Stadium?(Required.)
5.Do you feel that the football club does enough to encourage fans to use more sustainable transport options?(Required.)
6.If there were better public transport options available would you be more likely to use them? Such as NextBikes, shuttle buses etc(Required.)
7.What factors influence your choice of transportation when travelling to football matches?(Required.)
8.Have you attended football matches at different stadiums, and were the transport links better than at the Cardiff City Stadium? If so please explain why you thought this(Required.)
9.If there were better transport links to the Cardiff City Stadium would this make you attend more games?(Required.)
10.Would you mind paying a little more for tickets if the additional revenue was reinvested in better sustainable transport links?(Required.)