Gainesville City and Hall County students pick the career path they will focus on during high school while in middle school. They pick what they know, we want them to know you! Will you participate in this #workforcedevelopment annual event?

SAVE THE DATE: 10am–1pm each day, see dates/locations below.

Employers represent a career path to 20 middle schoolers for 15 minutes at a time. Don't worry, we will provide more info later - right now we just need your interest and tentative commitment. Please answer the questions below. 

Question Title

* 1. Does your company plan to participate in the Career Path Fair 2024?

Question Title

* 2. Each company commits to 10am - 1pm on each of the days they participate. Which of the following event days are you tentatively marking your calendar for in hopes to participate?

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following pathways does your company most closely align to?
(Pick ONLY 1 - pick the closest even if it isn't exact)

Question Title

* 4. Pick 1 other pathway your company also aligns to.

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* 5. Are you interested in being a sponsor? ($250 minimum)

The Career Path Fair is an annual event started originally by Vision 2030 and the Greater Hall Chamber Workforce Development Task Force and now handed over to the school systems. This year it will be hosted on 6 days at 3 college locations for 2000+ Middle Schoolers. You are needed. #2030Careers