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Dear Cities Initiative Member:

We are living in unusual times.  The Covid-19 Pandemic has turned our society upside down.   As a result of this crisis the governments of Canada and the U.S. are contemplating stimulus packages to restart our economies.

In order to obtain this funding the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative will be undertaking a vast advocacy campaign to press upon the U.S. and Canadian governments that sustainable dedicated funding is required to ensure the protection of this reserve of freshwater.

The advocacy campaign will be focused on the municipalities' capacity and expertise to achieve national objectives and be instrumental in stimulating the economy through municipal projects. We will however require further information pertaining to potential projects in your municipality to enhance our strategy. We hope that we can count on your collaboration
Please see the attached survey. To simplify the process of gathering information on multiple projects from your city you can send the link to individual departments.  Each department can submit their own project data and we will consolidate the information on our end.  We have also created a google document for you to download and fill out if using Excel is preferred. 

Click to download Excel form if needed

The survey is very simple and straight forward.  If you are unsure of exact numbers please provide us with your best estimates.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Kindest Regards,

Jonathan Altenberg
Executive Director
Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative

Question Title

* 1. Respondent Information

Question Title

* 2. Do you have water infrastructure or erosion mitigation projects that can be initiated in the next 12 months?

Question Title

* 3. Would you like to seek your respective Federal stimulus funding for these projects in order to initiate them?

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