1. Introduction

Hello Everyone:

SweetWater Music Festival is developing a new Strategic Plan for the next three years (2017-2020) and we would like to hear your thoughts as we develop the plan.

The Board of Directors, Artistic Director, Festival Manager, and several volunteers began the process at a Workshop in January and we had an amazing and energizing discussion about our vision and what make's SweetWater unique.  We will meet again in June with a facilitator to develop strategic directions for the next three years, and create a draft Strategic Plan.  Our goal is to have a practical and positive three year plan in place to guide the work of the organization by September.

The strategic planning process is an opportunity for people who know and love SweetWater to think together about the purpose and future directions of the organization, and to build consensus and enthusiasm for the next three years. It's a time to look at the organization's accomplishments, strengths, barriers, and priorities going forward.   

We have put together this short survey for you to complete. Your answers are confidential and will be so helpful to the Strategic Planning process.   We look forward to hearing from you, and thanks for completing the survey!

If you could complete the survey by Monday June 5th that will let us use your input at our Strategic Planning meeting in June.

If you have any problems with the survey, you can Colleen at 519 376-7145, or email cpurdon@bmts.com