Wasco County Planning is preparing for the public meeting roadshow series scheduled for spring of 2019, and is interested in learning how you would like to participate. Our goal is to encourage and enable as much public participation as possible

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* 1. Are you a Wasco County resident?

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* 2. What is your age range?

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* 3. How do you hear about community news and events?

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* 4. Have you been to a Wasco County 2040 event?

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* 5. What is your preference for participation in Wasco County 2040?

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* 6. In Spring 2019, we will be looking for feedback about flexible housing options and minimum parcel sizes in agriculture and forest zones.  Which of these meeting formats do you think would help you and others best participate and share feedback?

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* 7. Which locations do you think are best for staff and the Citizen Advisory Group to hold events? Events usually take place at public venues that are ADA accessible.  (you can select more than one)

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* 8. Do you have any other feedback about our road show events?