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To introduce ourselves...

ARRCC is a multi-faith, member-based organization of people from around Australia who are committed to taking action on climate change. We bring together representatives from all the major faith traditions to work together in addressing climate change.

We recognise that climate change is not only a scientific, environmental, economic and political issue – it is also a profoundly moral and spiritual one. The Earth's ecosystems are intrinsically precious and beautiful and deserve protection and the wellbeing of human beings is dependent on ecological flourishing. It is also the vulnerable people of the world who are most impacted by climate change.

We believe that as people dedicated to the common good, inspired by our beliefs and energized by our spirituality, people of all faiths can and should be at the forefront of creating a safe climate. While celebrating the uniqueness of our different traditions, we stand together in working for an ecologically and socially sustainable future.

ARRCC WA (our state's chapter of ARRCC) is an interfaith collective organization working to understand, educate, and act on climate change in WA.  We are striving with this questionnaire to understand how people of faith in our state view the climate crisis.  This questionnaire is purposed to provide us with general information only.  The answers we gather will not be considered as being representative (statistically or otherwise) of any particular faith's views, but rather the personal views of individual responders. It will also not be published in any manner that would depict the results as representing official view of any Faith.  We also have no ability to identify people who respond to this questionnaire, so your privacy is protected. We are merely hoping to understand what people of faith may be thinking about this issue.  You can learn more about ARRCC at  Thank you in advance for your honest and thoughtful answers to the following 12 questions.

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* 1. Are you a member of a Faith Community in WA?

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* 2. Are you in a leadership role in your faith community?

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* 3. In your opinion, climate change primarily is (tick as many boxes as apply):

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* 4. In your understanding, is the earth's climate changing adversely?

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* 5. What climate related attitudes and actions do you see in your faith community (tick as many boxes as apply)?

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* 6. Are you aware of the extent to which your faith's traditions and scriptures explicitly include responsibility for the care of the earth and its creatures?

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* 7. To what extent does the science of climate change (as you currently understand it) appear in harmony with the teaching of your spiritual tradition?

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* 8. If you think action on climate is needed, what type of actions in your opinion are appropriate for people of your faith (tick all that apply)?

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* 9. How do you feel about your faith community's involvement in climate change/crisis?

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* 10. Are you taking individual action for the environment (tick all that apply)?

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* 11. Would you see benefit in people of your faith working with people of other faiths on climate change?

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* 12. Would you be interested in hearing more from ARRCC WA and exploring the potential of working together?

(if yes contact us at:

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