Please take this opportunity to tell us about your business and your business assistance needs. This survey should take approximately 5 minutes of your time and the results will be utilized to help the City create new programs to better assist our business community. Thank you!

Question Title

1. Would you be interested in attending Stanton Business Alliance meetings?

Question Title

2. How likely would you be to attend Stanton Business Alliance Meetings held at the following times?

  Likely It Depends Not Likely
Breakfast Meetings (8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.)
Lunch Meetings (11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)
After Business Hours (6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.)

Question Title

3. Which day(s) of the week would you most likely attend a Stanton Business Alliance meeting?

  Likely It Depends Not Likely

Question Title

4. Would you participate in an online platform (web based meeting)?

Question Title

5. What would be most useful to learn about at these events?

  Very Useful Useful Not Useful
Business training and educational opportunities (i.e. workshops, speakers)
Updates from the City about Stanton projects
Opportunity to communicate directly with City Council members
Analysis and reporting of the Stanton market/economy

Question Title

6. How useful would the following information and/or assistance be?

  Very Useful Useful Not Useful
Advertising or marketing
City regulations (i.e. building improvements, signs)
Window displays or interior store design
How to use internet or E-Commerce for marketing

Question Title

7. Please rate the degree to which you are experiencing the following business challenges. (Mark ONE answer for each item)

  Major Challenge Minor Challenge No Challenge
Conflict with building owner or tenant
Difficulty recruiting or retaining employees
Cost of rent
Insufficient parking
In-town competition
Out-of-town competition
Language barriers
Poor building condition
Restrictive city regulations
Shoplifting or theft
Presence of homeless/transients

Question Title

8. Please rate the performance of the following.

  Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Poor
Local police protection
Safety in Stanton
Local fire protection
Local waste management service
Local municipal services
Other businesses’ compliance with city regulations
Your experience(s) at City Hall
Information provided by city about relevant topics

Question Title

9. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
I always try to buy products and services locally
I usually direct customers to other Stanton businesses
The existing Stanton business mix helps my business
My building façade draws customers into my business
My window and store displays help my business
My outdoor advertising helps my business
My business is open when customers want to shop
Stanton is an excellent place to have a business

Question Title

10. How satisfied are you with the present location of your business?

Question Title

11. Do you have plans to expand or reduce operations for your business in the foreseeable future?

Question Title

12. Are you, or the building owner, considering any building improvement projects?

Question Title

13. How long has your business been in operation?

Question Title

14. Does your business own or lease the space in which it is located?

Question Title

15. Where do you and your employees typically park?

Question Title

16. Where do your customers typically park?

Question Title

17. How many parking spaces are available for your customers in your parking lot?

Question Title

18. What percentage of employees of your business live here in Stanton?

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

19. How many people does your business employ in each of the following categories?

Question Title

20. What are your thoughts on your business hours?

Question Title

21. When advertising your business, which mode do you use most (mark top 3)?

Question Title

22. How much of your business is generated from website/online sales (versus in person)?

Question Title

23. Please describe the target market of your business.

  Male Female Not applicable

Question Title

24. Please describe the target market of your business.

Question Title

25. Please describe the target market of your business.

Question Title

26. What is the biggest obstacle for your business?

Question Title

27. Please provide the following information