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Dear All,

By participating in this survey you will be helping AIA Rochester build an intellectual and demographic database that reflects our community in 2020 – designers, builders, and suppliers. Fresh from the success of our 2019 AIAROC Centennial Celebration, we can come together in an unprecedented way to create a snapshot for short and long-term planning.  Please take the time to help us gather this information - it only takes a few minutes. 

(Background: Early input from AIA "survey volunteers' suggested generally upbeat attitudes about our ability to work from home -- even with nearly half of the respondents having no preexisting home/work settings.)
Sincerely and best to you and your families,

Linda Hewitt, AIA Rochester Executive Director
Jennifer Takatch, AIA Rochester Board President
Andy Petrosky, AIA Rochester Vice President
Rich Pospula, AFGR President and AIA Rochester Treasurer

Beyond serving as an information conduit to you from AIA State & National, we would like use your combined insights to build a snapshot of our built-environment that might inform how we design better in the future.  With these questions we will establish a basic baseline and potential benchmarking point-of-comparison. Since we are so early in this process, there is no attempt to solicit opinion.

Question Title

* 1. Is your home in a rural, suburban, or urban setting?

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* 2. Does your home/remote-work environment have a preexisting office space or area designated for work?

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* 3. If not, where do you generally set up your workstation?

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* 4. Do you have a reliable and robust internet connectivity?

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* 5. Is your neighborhood walkable ... and/or   by car conveniently located near most necessary goods and services?

Question Title

* 6. What are your initial impressions and expectations of working remotely?

0 of 6 answered