How Are We Doing?

We are committed to monitoring the quality of the FLC Family Orientation Program. Your feedback and suggestions will help us make this an even better program in the future. (All submissions are anonymous.)

Question Title

* 1. How did you learn about FLC's Family Orientation Program?

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the following aspects of our Family Orientation Process.

  Excellent Good Adequate Poor N/A
Ease of understanding the orientation schedule
Brochure (mailed to you earlier in the summer)
Online family orientation reservation process
Registration cost
Materials packet (at Orientation check-in)
Ease of understanding the orientation schedule
Customer service skills of Orientation Staff
Dining services

Question Title

* 3. Did you find the Orientation Schedule/Guide useful? (Either the app or the paper version you were given at check-in)

Question Title

* 4. Did you choose to download the Fort Lewis app and utilize the digital schedule online?

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the following programs

  Excellent Good Adequate Poor N/A
Residence Life Meeting (Concert Hall - Thursday afternoon)
Welcome (Friday Morning)
Elephant in the Room Preview (Friday Morning)
Professors' Perspective (Friday)
Parents as Partners (Friday)
Student Success (Friday)
Student Panel (Friday)
Convocation (Friday Afternoon)
Are You Ready for College? Time to share and process with Student Affairs VP (Saturday morning)
Campus Tour (Saturday Morning)

Question Title

* 6. Please tell us more about your experience at Family Orientation.

  Very much Somewhat Very little N/A
I felt welcomed by the Fort Lewis College Community
I experienced a connection with the FLC faculty, staff and administration
I made connections with other family members of new students
I have a better understanding of the academic, developmental, and social resources available to my student
I have a better understanding of academic policies and procedures such as FERPA, etc.
I am more aware of typical transitional issues for first year students
Having attended this orientation, I am better prepared to support my student through this transitional process

Question Title

* 7. To what degree did our Family Orientation Program answer your questions and address your concerns?

Question Title

* 8. If you have any other suggestions regarding how we could improve Family Orientation, please enter them in the box below.