
This yearly award will celebrate and honor a person or entity who has supported or implemented a specific initiative or was instrumental in the movement or achievement of a project or challenge – all of which supports our community’s growth and vision for a thriving community for all.

Awarded to a businessperson, business or community member within Lancaster County that actively contributes to quality of business landscape, place, and our community. The potential recipient regularly engages with the broader community to create unique collaborations, donates time and resources to its community, and vocally champions Lancaster County as a thriving community.

  • Helping solve a challenge(s) across Lancaster County
  • Honors purposeful community leadership
  • Excels at and fosters collaboration across entities, initiatives, and industries
  • Forward thinking mindset that embraces our unique Lancaster culture
  • Recipient has helped implement a project, achieved or supported a community initiative, or solved a community problem – in order to create a more thriving community for all
  • Chamber Involvement

Deadline for nomination is February 2, 2024.

Step 1: If you have not yet done so, please read the award information, including criteria and questions needed to nominate, before completing this form. To access the award information, visit lancasterchamber.com/awards.

Step 2: Click "Next" to get started with the survey.