CCLT's board of directors is committed to expanding public access to nature and recreation.  As part of that commitment, CCLT is considering ways in which to make our trails and properties on Chebeague Island more accessible to people who may not be using the properties at present.  We hope that the results of this survey will help us to define and prioritize improvements to Chebeague Island's CCLT properties.  Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!   If you have questions or comments, please contact Jonathan Dawson at 

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* 1. Are you familiar with CCLT properties and trails on Chebeague Island?

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* 2. Do you use CCLT properties and trails on Chebeague Island?

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* 3. If you or someone in your social circle (family and friends) would like to use CCLT properties, but is unable to do so, please indicate why not by selecting from the list below.

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* 4. If accessibility were to be improved on CCLT properties, would  you or that individual use CCLT properties?

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* 5. If applicable, please check which of the following trail improvements you think would help you, your family member or friend use CCLT properties:

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* 6. Please indicate which property listed below you feel is the highest priority for making accessibility improvements.