Final Survey

Dear Research Participant,
We are delighted you have participated in this important Healer Within Foundation research project. Please complete this FINAL questionnaire.

Your responses will remain anonymous. We thank you sincerely for your time and feedback!


Question Title

* 1. Your Information:

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* 2. Sex

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* 3. Your Age (in years):

Rate the following questions on a 1 to 5 scale, 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree:

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* 4. What are the improvements you experienced in practice of Qi Gong/Tai Chi? (Please check all that apply)

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* 5. Is there any change with your prescription drug use? (Please select one)

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* 6. My goals were met. (Please select one)

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* 7. I will continue to practice Qi Gong/Tai Chi? (Please select one)

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* 8. Qi Gong/Tai Chi is helpful to me. (Please select one)

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* 9. I will recommend Qi Gong/Tai Chi to my family and friends? (Please select one)

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* 10. What suggestions do you have for us to improve the class and this survey?