NHGS Survey  NHDES-C-02-004

Dear Stakeholder,

The New Hampshire Geological Survey (NHGS) is currently undertaking a strategic review as we advance our plan for the 21st century in accordance with our statutory mission (“to collect data and perform research on the land, mineral and water resources of the state, and disseminate the findings of such research to the public through maps, reports and other publications”). You have been identified as a key stakeholder with knowledge of NHGS or interests in New Hampshire earth and environmental science. We ask that you complete a brief survey about your experiences with and perceptions of NHGS. The results of the survey will be used to help NHGS develop strategic priorities for the future. We thank you for your voluntary participation in this evaluation. Your responses will be combined with the responses of all other participants to preserve anonymity and confidentiality and you will not be individually identified in any subsequent report or communication. If you have questions, please contact Rick Chormann, State Geologist and Director (Frederick.Chormann@des.nh.gov, (603) 271-1975). Completion of this evaluation implies your consent to participate. This survey will take approximately 10-20 minutes, and your feedback will help us improve our services to you and to others.

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* 2. Have your heard of the New Hampshire Geological Survey (NHGS) ? (If "No", thank you for your time. Survey is complete.)

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* 3. Are you aware that NHGS is part of the NH Department of Environmental Services?

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* 4. How do you think your profession or industry generally views the NHGS?

Unfavorable Highly favorable
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 5. Tell us why you responded this way.

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* 6. With what services provided by NHGS are you most familiar? (check all that apply)

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* 7. How important to you are the following services?

  Not Important Very Important
Publishing information about New Hampshire geology (maps, reports, bulletins, educational materials)
Providing digital geologic data (geologic logs, well construction reports, GIS data)
Providing technical support and information to state agency personnel pertaining to water-related issues (flooding, wetlands, rivers, etc.)
Geoscience outreach (answering questions from general public and professionals, lectures, event booths, leading field trips)
Assessing flood hazards
Assessing other geologic hazards, including landslides and earthquakes
Advising town governments and regional planning commissions regarding new technologies and methods to characterize environmental or landscape conditions
Distributing current and historical groundwater level data
Investigating  groundwater quantity or quality issues
Interacting with UNH-System campuses and other geoscience departments
Supporting  development of geothermal energy (i.e., ground source heat pumps)
Maintaining sample repository (archiving geologic samples)

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* 8. Are there programs or activities that you believe NHGS should implement?

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* 9. Are there programs or activities that you believe are not necessary?

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* 10. How do you prefer to obtain maps, reports, and/or data from NHGS?

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* 11. Please provide any other comments you might have about NHGS.

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your input.