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Copernicus is the world leader of civil Earth observation from space. It is a game changer in the remote sensing world. Its constellation of satellites offers different types of measurements (optical, radar, altimetry on the different Earth compartments: land, ocean, rivers, lakes, atmosphere…) that can be valuable in many different sectors (e.g. fisheries; agriculture; infrastructure monitoring, etc.)
The FPCUP Caroline Herschel program, funded by the European Commission, supports Copernicus User Uptake activities including capacity building actions.
The Working group Africa, FPCUP consortium members with established relations in the continent, has tailored an action aiming at leveraging the use of Copernicus Data in Africa thanks to a training of trainers’ program. Its objective is to support African academic or private trainers wanting to integrate in their training offer or curricula Copernicus based module. WG Africa members have joined forces to propose a common training program in three languages (EN, FR, PT) dedicated to African countries and partners.
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