Question Title

* 1. Overall, how satisfied are you with your membership in Rotary?

Question Title

* 2. Considering our club’s culture, members, and meetings, indicate your agreement with the following statements.

  Agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat Disagree Disagree
Club meetings are a good use of my time
My club does a good job involving new members
My club’s members care about one another
My club reflects the demographic profile of our area’s business, professional, and community leaders
My club actively seeks to involve all members in projects and activities according to their interests, skills, and availability
The amount of fundraising activities is appropriate

Question Title

* 3. Indicate your agreement with the following statements about the value of your membership.

  Agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Disagree
I feel welcome in my club
I make valuable connections through my club
My club provides opportunities to use my talents and skills
My expertise as a member is worth the money I spend on Rotary participation
My experience as a member is worth the time I give Rotary
My family sees value in my Rotary membership
My friends see value in my Rotary membership
Through Rotary, I make a difference in my community
Through Rotary, I make a difference in the world

Question Title

* 4. (Optional) - Your name. 
If you'd like someone to contact you, please include your phone or email.