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Cancer Fund for Children is working to review and develop the bereavement support that we offer to children, young people and families. The first step in this process is a consultation with families who have been bereaved as a result of cancer in Northern Ireland.  

The death of a loved one is devastating, and it is almost impossible to put into words the depth of the impact that grief can have on all aspects of our lives. We also recognise that our experience of grief is unique, and so our needs may differ greatly. If there is more than one adult in your house and you wish to submit individual responses, please do so. We welcome this opportunity to listen intently to your views and to learn from the honest experiences of local families. We value this insight in shaping our support to families who are sadly bereaved in the future.  

We understand that reflecting and sharing your story can be difficult and are keen to offer support where this may be helpful. Our contact details are included at the end of this survey.  

The information that you share will be treated with the utmost sensitivity and respect and will be used to help shape the direction of our support for children, young people and families who become bereaved due to cancer in NI in the future. The information provided in this survey will be used anonymously within a report which will be publicly available to anyone who may have an interest in learning of the experiences of bereaved families in NI.  

Thank you for sharing your experience. 

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* 1. Please tick the appropriate box: 

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* 2. How long has it been since the bereavement?

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* 3. How informed do you feel about the impact of grief and the grieving process? (1= not at all, 10= very informed)

1 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 4. People avail of different levels and types of support at different times following a bereavement. Some don’t access any support. Which, if any, of the following bereavement services have you, or a member of your family availed of? (please tick any that apply)

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* 5. We understand that grief affects everyone differently, at different stages, so the following questions are focusing on what support would have been helpful for the different members of your family at different points. 

Please answer the questions that are applicable to your family (e.g. if your loved one died within the past year, please only answer question 5, but if your loved one died 3 years ago, please answer questions 5, 6 and 7) 

Thinking about the initial period following the death of your loved one and up to the first year post-bereavement, what (if any) support would have been helpful for:  

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* 6. If the bereavement was more than 1 year ago, what support (if any) did each of the following need in the 2nd year?

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* 7. If the bereavement was more than 2 years ago, what support did each of the following need in the 3rd year following the bereavement?

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* 8. If it has been more than 3 years since the death of your loved one, what (if any) support would be helpful at this time for each of the following:

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* 9. What have you found supports you in your grief?

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* 10. What have you found unhelpful for you in your grief?

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* 11. In your experience, was there any service or support that was missing that would have been beneficial for you and your family?

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* 12. Any other comments

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* 13. We would just like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you for taking the time, and the energy, to complete this survey.  

We really appreciate and value the experiences and insights that you have shared with us and we also recognise and understand that this may have been difficult for you.  If you feel you would like to speak with someone about this, we are here to support you, so please get in touch if you feel that this would be helpful-  

Gemma/Lynn/Laura on 02890805599/ 

This survey is anonymous and, as previously mentioned, the information contained within it will be used to inform and shape the support Cancer Fund for Children will offer to families who have been bereaved. 

If you would be interested in being involved in further consultation regarding this work, please provide your contact details below (optional).

Thanks again and best wishes, 

The team at Cancer Fund for Children 

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