We appreciate your feedback!

As part of the 70th running of the Westfield River Wildwater Races, we are the documenting the history of the race. We will be creating a significant record of this, the country's oldest whitewater canoe and kayak race.

The info from this survey will be used in a presentation at Stanton Hall in Huntington on 4/3 at 6:30PM called Legends of Racing. Mark your calendars.

When we are completed with this project -- which will include videotaped interviews with some racers -- the information will be archived and kept for posterity. Thank you for your input!

Question Title

* 1. How did you partipate in the Westfield Rive Wildwater Races. (Check all that apply.)

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* 2. What is the first name of the person who participated/volunteered or spectated in the races?

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* 3. What is the last name of the person who participated/volunteered or spectated?

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* 4. What is their (or your) birth year (can be approximate)

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* 5. What is their death year (leave blank if still living)

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* 6. If this person raced, which of the following are the ways you/they raced. (Check all that apply)

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* 7. What year did they (you) first race, spectate or volunteer?

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* 8. What year did they (you) stop racing.

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* 9. In all, how many total years do you think they/you participated (can be approminate)

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* 10. Please give us one name of someone you (they) raced with (if you raced tandem). Leave blank if you are a solo racer.

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* 11. What did you (they) like about the race (check all that apply)

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* 12. Please share an anecdote about participating in the race, volunteering or spectating. Be as specific about years, places and what happened as you can.

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* 13. How far away did you come to race, volunteer or spectate at the Races. (please choose the one that best applies)

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* 14. What do you remember about the Westfield River when you participated, spectated and/or volunteered in the race? (choose all that apply)

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* 15. If you swam/recreated in or around the Westfield River, where was it? (check all that apply)

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* 16. We want to interview people who have very strong memories of participating in the race and videotape them as a part of this oral history project. Do you or your relative want to be included?

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* 17. Do you have any images of yourself racing, volunteering or spectating? (Email them to us at wrwraces@gmail.com).

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* 18. What was your address when you participated, volunteered or spectated at the races (If you do not remember precisely, give a best guess.)

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* 19. What is the best telephone to reach you at?

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* 20. What is your name?

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* 21. What is your current address

Thank you so much for participating! It is so important that we preserve these memories. The information for this survey will given to the Russell Historical Commission and the Huntington Historical Society when completed.