
We hope you find this quiz as much fun to complete as we had putting it together!

WACOSS has developed this quiz through a grant from the Department of Finance, to supplement the support the Department of Commerce is providing to the sector around the Associations Incorporation Act 2015, which took effect from 1 July 2016.

We have put together this quiz which will enable you to test your knowledge about the Act, as well as guide you to further information and resources with regard to the different aspects of being an incorporated association. Some of the key features of the new Act include:

  • A system of financial reporting and accountability designed to minimise the reporting burden on smaller associations, whilst recognising that larger associations should be accountable for the significant resources under their control;
  • A modernised statement of the duties of committee members and officers which formalises the duties that already exist under other laws;
  • A dispute resolution system that requires associations to have an internal dispute resolution process in its rules and that unresolved disputes can be heard by the State Administrative Tribunal;
  • Removal of the restriction on an association to carry on business or trading ventures, provided that all profits from the activities are used to further the association’s objects or purposes and that individual members do not profit from such activities;
  • A lengthy transition period of three years to allow associations to update their rules/constitution

WACOSS will also be running webinars to assist people in asking questions about elements of the Act they may find challenging. Click here to see when these will be held.

If you have any questions about this quiz and resources, please feel free to contact WACOSS; however if you have any questions about the Act, you can directly contact the Department. Click here for contact details of the relevant area of the Department, as well as the link to sign up to Associations Online.

A further note - this is not an ordinary quiz or survey! This quiz should be treated like a training resource. In testing it, we have had people spend anywhere from 30-45 minutes to an hour and a half completing it and exploring the resources. It is important you have set aside some dedicated time to understand the changes to the Act.

NOW - let's introduce you to Save the Trees Inc, which will be used as our example (purely made up) incorporated association throughout the quiz.

Question Title
