Colouring Our Future - Calling all Presenters!

Colouring Our Future is happening on June 19th 9:30 - 2:30 at the Owen Sound Market.

Please complete this application if you wish to have a table with interactive learning and activities at the One World Festival.

We will provide one eight-foot table and two chairs for each display booth. You are welcome to bring additional chairs, props, and table coverings. The market is open at 8:30 am for set up and we have volunteers and refreshments available during the event.

You will bring information, interactive activities, and materials for children and youth that celebrate diversity and inclusion with our theme of Colouring Our Future! Your application will be confirmed ASAP and we thank you for being part of the Grey Bruce One World Festival!

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* 1. What is your contact information?

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* 2. Please provide a brief description of your presentation and/or display.

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* 3. Will you have food at your display?            
(All food must be prepared in a Health Unit–approved kitchen, or be commercial products.)

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* 4. Will you need electricity? 
(There is limited access to electricity and if you need electricity you will need to bring your own extension cords.)

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* 5. Need more information?

Colouring Our Future is the theme of this year’s festival. Activities that help festival participants explore and understand why diversity and difference is important for us now are welcomed. And activities that help young people learn about how they can build a future that celebrates difference through art, sharing, curiosity and belonging are most welcomed!

Elementary schoolchildren make up the bulk of the festival audience, so we suggest activities that younger children can participate in and that engage everyone.

This is a smoke-free event and site.