Please answer any of the 7 questions on this survey to help us know how we plan for the next five years.

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* 1. Contact Information (optional)

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* 2. How have you participated with us in the past: (check all that apply)

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* 3. How would you rate the impact of Creative Sonoma in its first five years in the County?

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* 4. Is there anything you think we are doing well? Please describe.

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* 5. Where can we improve what we are already doing, and if so, do you have ideas for how?

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* 6. What aren’t we doing that we could to make a positive impact for our creative community and the County?  Please describe.

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* 7. Would you be willing to host a Coffee and Conversation in your town which would include helping us reach interested attendees and finding an appropriate venue?  C&Cs will be scheduled between September 2019 and June 2020 and typically include between 5 and 30 participants each.

If yes, please provide your name and email address below.  If no, please move on to the next question.

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* 8. Please select your Supervisorial District from drop down menu.  District listing, by physical address, can be found at:  Find My Supervisor

Thank you for the work you do to make Sonoma County creative.