1. This should take you about 20 minutes to complete. It helps us both prepare for our conversation.

17% of survey complete.
Congratulations on taking action & scheduling a conversation with me! If you're seriously ready to get your ideas out of your head & into action, then you're in the right place.

Let's make the best use of our time together. You'll be able to schedule your conversation with me at the end of these prep questions so we can talk about what you're working on, how I may help you, and what your next steps will be. Our conversation will be confidential so don't worry about talking to me about what's on your mind & sharing your truths with me.

I ask you these questions to get an idea of where you are and what you'd like to accomplish; your goals and what results you ultimately want to achieve. Once you complete these questions you'll get a link to my calendar to schedule our conversation.

My passion is helping you move to the next stage of your idea journey. When you're serious and ready to be in action - and willing to invest in the systems, tools, and partner to help you achieve what you want, then together we can get you to Ideallionaire(TM) status!

So let's get started!
Sylvia Henderson

Question Title

Please give me your contact information. Your telephone number and e-mail address are important in case I need to reach you to clarify a response, or in case an emergency should arise prior to our call. I may also have something to send you via the good old fashioned US Postal Service, or to your valid and active e-mail inbox. I promise - no spamming!