Communications Survey
Your responses will help us understand the best communication methods and important topics of interest to you and other members of the McPherson College community.
>> Complete the survey and receive a FREE McPherson College Alumni T-Shirt!
Enter your size and mailing address at the end of the survey.
McPherson College Alumni T-Shirt

Question Title

* How do you currently engage with McPherson College?

Question Title

* How do you generally get your information about McPherson College?

  All information Most information Some information No information
The Review Magazine
Alumni E-Newsletter
Planned Giving E-Newsletter
MC Social Media
MC Website
Other Alumni

Question Title

* How do you prefer to receive information from the college?

The Review Magazine

Question Title

* How often do you typically read the Review magazine?

Question Title

* How do you prefer to read the Review?

Question Title

* Which sections of the Review are important to you?

  Very important Somewhat important Not important
Campus News
Faculty/Staff News
Athletic Updates
Feature Stories
Alumni News
Alumni Notes

Question Title

* What additional topics do you wish the Review would cover?

Question Title

* What changes or improvements to the Review would you like to suggest?


Question Title

* How often do you read the Alumni E-Newsletter?

Question Title

* How often do you read the Planned Giving E-Newsletter?

Question Title

* Which topics in the E-newsletters are important to you?

  Very important Somewhat important Not important
Alumni News
Alumni Events
Campus News
Campus Events
MC Job Postings
Campaign Updates
Fundraising Requests

Question Title

* What additional topics do you wish the E-Newsletters contained?

Question Title

* What changes or improvements to the E-Newsletters would you like to suggest?

Social Media

Question Title

* Which of the college's social media accounts do you follow?

Question Title

* Which topics on MC social media are important to you?

  Very important Somewhat important Not important
Alumni Office Updates
Individual Alumni Stories
Alumni Events
Campus News
Faculty/Staff News
Campus Events
MC Job Postings
Campaign Updates
Fundraising Requests

Question Title

* What additional topics would like to see shared on our social media accounts?

Question Title

* What changes or improvements to our Social Media posts would you like to suggest?

Please provide the following information about yourself. (All information will be kept confidential.)

Question Title

* What is your relationship to McPherson College? (check all that apply).

Question Title

* What is your age?

Question Title

* What is your gender?

Your Alumni T-Shirt!
If you would like a free MC Alumni T-Shirt, please indicate your size and your contact information including the address we should mail it to.

Question Title

* Contact/Shipping Information