1. Please provide ratings

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* 2. I was able to achieve my course objectives for this course.

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* 3. The course was well organized.

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* 4. The assignments were helpful in acquiring a better understanding of course content.

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* 5. The tests in the class were directly related to assignments, discussions and other planned activities.

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* 6. Student responsibilities (being prepared, participation, group projects, etc) were well defined in this course.

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* 7. The textbook and reading assignments were informative and helped with my learning.

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* 8. The instructor expressed ideas clearly.

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* 9. The instructor encouraged students to feel free to ask questions.

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* 10. The instructor carefully answered questions raised by students.

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* 11. The instructor provided relevant feedback regarding my work in this course.

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* 12. The instructor treated students with respect.

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* 13. The instructor seemed genuinely interested in my learning.

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* 14. The instructor was readily available for consultation with students during office hours or by appointment.

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* 15. The instructor used teaching methods that helped me understand the practical applications of the course content.

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* 16. The instructor effectively used online learning systems (e.g. Blackboard) to promote learning.

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* 17. The instructor uses evidenced based studies in their teaching.

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* 18. The instructor uses a variety of teaching methods (lecture, audio-visual, case studies) in their teaching.

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* 19. The tutoring services are available sufficient/appropriate hours.

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* 20. The tutor(s) presented the material in a manner that was understandable.

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* 21. The tutoring services helped me to improve my grade in the course.

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* 22. I would recommend tutoring services to other students.

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* 23. Additional comments regarding tutoring.

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* 24. Relative to your knowledge at the beginning of this course, how would you rate the learning which you have achieved in the subject?

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* 25. What aspects of the course contributed the most to your learning?

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* 26. What aspects of the course contributed the least to your learning?

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* 27. What recommendations do you have to improve the course?