AIMA/Marex - Emerging Manager Survey (Investor View)

In conjunction with Marex Prime Services, AIMA is conducting a short survey on the next generation of alternative investment managers (for the purposes of this survey limited to hedge funds running up to US$1 billion AUM). Please take a few minutes to provide your responses to the questionnaire below which will help us to understand investors views on emerging managers.
All data from this survey will be collated and retained by AIMA for the purposes of publishing a research report on the next generation of hedge funds. Data from this survey will only be presented or shared in the aggregate. It will not be attributed, or attributable, to any specific firm or person unless permission has been given to do so.
Marex proudly supports the AIMA Next Generation of Alternative Investment Managers Survey following its acquisition of Cowen Prime Services and Outsourced Trading in December 2023.
Marex Prime Services is a leading full-service institutional prime broker, with a global multi-asset platform tailored for investment managers worldwide. It has a strong track record in supporting both emerging and established funds seeking to work with a single partner or to diversify their prime brokerage counterparties.
1.As per the last calendar month end, what is the estimated net asset value (in $US) of your investment plan. Please select from one of the options below.(Required.)
2.What is the total AUM you have to allocate to hedge funds? Please select from one of the choices below.(Required.)
3.Please select from one of the options listed below what best describes you as an investor.(Required.)
4.Where is the head office of your investment plan located? Please select from one of the options listed below.(Required.)
5.What hedge fund strategies were most prominent in your investment allocations this year? Please select one from the list below.(Required.)
6.How long a track record do you need the flagship fund to have when evaluating it for investment? Please select from one of the options listed below.(Required.)
7.What is the smallest fund (as a measure of its US$ AUM) that your investment plan would consider allocating to? Please select from one of the options listed below.(Required.)
8.Which hedge fund structure do you predominantly allocate to? Please select from one of the options listed below.(Required.)
9.What is the source of your most recent hedge fund allocation? Please select from one of the options listed below.(Required.)
10.Are there any reasons that would prevent you from allocating to a fund manager. From the list of options provided, please select all that apply.(Required.)
11.How do ESG considerations bear on your decision to invest in a fund? Please select all that apply.(Required.)
12.Select which liquidity terms make a hedge fund non-investable. Please select all that apply.(Required.)