Thank you for attending PorcFest 2017! Please complete the survey below for your chance to win FREE tickets to PorcFest 2018!

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* 1. For a chance to win 2 FREE Tickets to PorcFest 2018, please leave your email address below:

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Do you currently live in New Hampshire?

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* 4. If you do not already live in New Hampshire, do you plan to move here, and if so, when?

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* 5. If you do not currently live in New Hampshire, where do you live?

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* 6. What days did you attend at PorcFest 2017? (Mark all that apply)

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* 7. How many years have you attended PorcFest, including this year?

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* 8. Why did you come to PorcFest 2017? (Mark all that apply)

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* 9. Were there enough sessions and activities that interested you at PorcFest 2017?

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* 10. How satisfied were you with the following:

  Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A
Your overall experience at PorcFest
The sessions you attended
The selection of speakers, activities, and topics
The vendors available in Agora Valley
The scheduling application (Whova)
The reservation process (prior to PF)
On-site registration
Fr33 Aid
Porc Rangers
PorcuPints Program
The facilities for campers and visitors
The volunteer experience (if you helped)

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* 11. Were you able to obtain all the information you needed at PorcFest?

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* 12. What sessions/activities/speakers did you enjoy the most at PorcFest 2017?

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* 13. What sessions/activities/speakers did you enjoy the least at PorcFest 2017?

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* 14. What sessions/activities/speakers would you like to see at PorcFest 2018?

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* 15. Are you interested in volunteering for PorcFest 2018?

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* 16. Please give us any final comments or suggestions to help us make future PorcFest events even better!