
The goal of this survey is to show potential investors how much a studio, with these services at an affordable rate, is needed in the region.

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* 1. If you had the option of filming in an affordable green screen studio with high ceiling clearance within a 60+ mile radius of NYC at a fraction of the cost would you schedule your filming in a location outside the 5 boroughs?

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* 2. If you are planning to film in a green screen studio in the next 6-12 months for a creative or corporate project would you reserve that affordable studio with an advance guaranteed deposit giving you further discounts (with proof of filming insurance)?

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* 3. Have you created your project, fantasizing about being able to fly your character in a dream sequence? Or had the villain hanging from a building ledge like the major studios but know what a fortune that can cost? If so, would you be excited to know that you can do this at a fraction of the cost? Thereby building your reel to be considered for feature films with major companies like Marvel, WB, Disney etc...

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* 4. This is for my corporate/commercial filming friends: How likely are you to reserve guaranteed time on a regular basis at a green screen studio where you can have 24 hour access for those last minute changes? Or finally get that doctor in a comfortable place to give that on-camera testimonial you've been trying so hard to get?

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* 5. If you would like us to reach out to you first please put your contact details in the comment space below and thank you very much for taking the time to answer this survey!