February 21, 2025 Poultry Euthanasia Workshop - Coombs, BC

Join us for training on application and considerations of euthanasia for poultry owners.

We are pleased to be hosting an evening of learning and education in euthanasia for those keeping poultry. Join us for an opportunity to learn from professionals, and network with your peers in the community.

Registration is required. Please complete this survey for each participant attending the workshop. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times while attending. There are limited seats in this workshop, so please only register if you can join for the entire session. There will be opportunity to work with your peers and others, so please come prepared to engage and bring an open mind.

Participants will receive a confirmation e-mail of registration 5 days prior to the workshop with details on where to go and when, and any other important information. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, you can contact us at info@bcpoultryhealthnetwork.ca.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
1.What is your first and last name?
2.Please provide your preferred email for receiving information about the workshop.
3.Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.
4.Are there any specific topics you would like discussed during the workshop related to human euthanasia for poultry?
5.Why do you keep poultry? (Check all that apply. This helps us ensure we are providing content that will be valuable to you.)
6.I am committed to attend this workshop and excited to be able to attend!