Moorhead Public Library is currently conducting a broad-based community needs assessment to guide its services, programs, and other priorities in the coming years. Your input in this process is important, because the Library's end goal is to serve YOU - effectively and fully.

This study comes at a critical juncture for the community and its public amenities. As you may already know, the City of Moorhead is actively exploring construction of a multipurpose facility. Moorhead Public Library would be one anchor of this new mixed-use building.
Ultimately, residents will decide on a future course when a local optional sales tax comes up for a vote. However, this spring’s consultant-led needs assessment will inform the Library’s future planning and lay important groundwork for any future facility reinvestment.

NOTE: This survey was developed by an independent third party, Library Strategies Consulting Group. All information is directed to Library Strategies. Individual responses are confidential, and no survey responses will be connected to particular individuals in the aggregate reports provided to the staff and governing bodies of Lake Agassiz Regional Library or the City of Moorhead.