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* 1. In which county did you or your family member receive services?

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* 2. I or my family member received:

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* 3. I received services within the timeframe I wanted.

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* 4. I was treated with respect and dignity.

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* 5. I was involved with decisions regarding mine or my family members care.

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* 6. I feel better now than when I started services.

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* 7. The staff were responsive to my questions about services.

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* 8. The staff met my needs.

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* 9. The environment was clean and comfortable.

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* 10. I understand the medications I take, why and how I should take them.

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* 11. Overall I was satisfied with my services.

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* 12. How likely is it that you would recommend Prestera Health Services to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

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* 13. Is there a staff member(s) whom you would like to see recognized for the care she/he provided?

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* 14. Do you have a comment or suggestion on how your services could have been better?