Help us keep the Flinn-Brown Fellows Directory up to date. Please take a few minutes to update your information and share your thoughts in this short 14-question survey. Thank you for doing your part to strengthen our programs and the Flinn-Brown Network!
With 437 Fellows, there is always a lot happening. We know about some of your achievements and activities but want to capture as many as possible.

NOTE: If you would like to update your headshot, please upload it to this Google Drive folder. 

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* 1. We are making every effort to ensure your records are complete and up to date.  For this section, please use your HOME address.

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* 2. For this section, please provide your MAILING address if it is different from your home address - for example if you use a PO Box to receive mail, enter that here:

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* 3. We would love to know your birthday!  


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* 4. What is your race/ethnicity (select all that apply)

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* 5. Tell us more about your educational background:

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* 6. Tell us about your current place of employment:

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* 7. Tell us about your professional field of work (Choose 1):

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* 8. Tell us about your areas of professional expertise (Choose 3):

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* 9. What has been new in your professional or civic leadership activities this year? (Check all that apply.)

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* 10. If you are CURRENTLY in elected office, please provide your title and jurisdiction:

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* 11. If you were PREVIOUSLY in elected office, please provide your title and jurisdiction:

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* 12. Are you planning on any of the following in the next year?

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* 14. Help us plan educational and professional development opportunities for Fellows.

Do you have an idea for a CivEx session you would like to plan/present with staff?

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* 15. Do you have an idea for a theme for the Annual Flinn-Brown Convention?

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* 16. We'd like to find you on social media. Please share your: