When new medications are approved by Health Canada for sale, they go through processes at both the federal and provincial level that help determine whether a medication will be paid for by the government for people on social assistance and others who do not have private insurance.

The Institute for Advancements in Mental Health (IAM) (formerly the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario) believes that individuals with schizophrenia and psychotic illnesses should have access to all medications approved by Health Canada. IAM does not make claims about particular medications as an organization but serves as a conduit for sharing experiences of individuals and families impacted by mental illness with the government.

This short, anonymous survey, will be used to inform our submission to the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health’s (CADTH) Reimbursement Review program at the federal level. This evidence will be used by CADTH to help them make a decision about whether they should recommend that provincial governments pay for another antipsychotic medication: Cariprazine. Responses will be aggregated.

The questions in this survey are focused on information about people's experience with various forms of antipsychotic medications.