School Happiness- Please share!

Thank you for taking a minute to share your thoughts on what makes a "Happy School!"  We're interested in your opinion on how relevant each of these factors are to a school's "happiness."  What have we missed? Are there things that are clearly irrelevant? Is this whole concept worthwhile at all?  There a space below for that too.  Please share with your colleagues- I'll publish results when we have a meaningful set of data.  Thanks again!

Question Title

* 1. How would you rank the following student behaviors as indicators of a happy school?

  Has no relevance to school happiness Is a minor indicator of school happiness Is a moderate indicator of school happiness Is a strong indicator of student happiness Is essential component of school happiness
Negative behavior incidents
Daily attendance

Class attendance
Participation in school breakfasts
Homework being completed
Appropriate grade distribution
Sports eligibility
Parents reporting school attendance accurately
Parents responding to teacher communications
Teachers communicating with parents
Performance of sports teams
Attendance at arts or theater events
Attendance within elective classes
Percent of students on track to graduate
Percent of students with post-graduation plans (college, military, career) 
Percent of students with college acceptance
Tracking of positive behavior
Percent of parents attending Parent Teacher nights and open hosues
Performance on benchmark assessments
Number of health-office visits
Number of teachers submitting grades on time
Number of teachers with up-to-date certifications
Teacher attendance
Collection of student fees for extracurriculars
Collection of student fees for required services

Question Title

* 5. What is your school or district's zip code?