Because Inquiring Minds Want to Know...
Love Off Grid Reader Survey
Please indulge my personal curiosity. Your answers are completely anonymous.
Do you live off grid or have an off grid property?
I live off grid full time.
I am transitioning to live on my off grid property full time.
I do not live off grid nor do I own off grid property.
Other (please specify)
What is your motivation to be off grid?
To be self sufficient
My love of the environment
To slow down and leave the fast pace of city life.
To build better relationships inside my family.
To save money.
To grow my own food.
To test myself and my abilities.
Not applicable. I don't want to move off grid.
Other (please specify)
Have you obtained any technical information from this blog that has helped you?
Yes, often.
Once or twice.
Other (please specify)
Which off grid topic are you the most interested in exploring?
Wells and water catchment
Solar power
Gardening and food preservation
Wind power
Animals, wildlife and husbandry
Locating off grid property
Off grid lifestyle
Other (please specify)
If you are interested in making the move to off grid, what's your number one hesitation?
My ability to succeed.
I'm worried about what others will think of me.
My family members don't want to do it.
My job is in town.
I'm afraid I'd be lonely or isolated.
Other (please specify)
If you're married or otherwise partnered, does your partner share your interest in off grid living?
Not at all.
Other (please specify)
Why do you read this blog?
To weigh technical options, like choosing solar batteries
To learn new skills, like food preservation
As an amusement/entertainment
For inspiration to move toward an off grid lifestyle
Morbid curiosity.
Other (please specify)
Have you taken any steps toward self sufficiency this year? If so, what?
I started a garden.
I started canning, dehydrating, or otherwise preserving food.
I started raising animals.
I started saving money to purchase property.
I bought off grid property (or other rural property).
I bought a solar system or wind turbine.
I dug a well or installed a water catchment system.
I bought some how-to books.
I watched some YouTube videos.
Nope. I've done nothing.
Other (please specify)
About how old are you?
20's - 30's
40's - 50's
60's -70's
70's - 80's
Older than my teeth.... make that, tooth.
Other (please specify)
If you could listen to this blog as an audio file, would you?
Other (please specify)