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This short survey asks important questions about how well your team resolves workplace problems.

Thinking about your recent experience in your workplace, answer these questions as honestly as you can.

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* 1. Effective Problem-solving processes exist within the workplace.

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* 2. Effective problem-solving processes followed by experienced and capable people ensure that problems are identified and resolved, for good.

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* 3. Improvement efforts are shared with suppliers and customers to improve product and service reliability.

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* 4. Team members are encouraged and proactively managed to identify problems and solutions.

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* 5. Leaders know when and how to use kaizen (continuous improvement), A3, structured problem-solving techniques and the Daily (Team) Management System Board. They are seen to regularly use these techniques.

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* 6. A problem-solving culture exists across the organisation from the top to the bottom.

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* 7. Change resulting from solved problems is planned, managed and reviewed.

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