2024 Tri-CAP Agency Customer Satisfaction Survey Please help Tri-CAP by taking our satisfaction survey by 12-30-2024 Question Title * 1. What service(s) have you received from Tri-CAP? Public Transportation - bus service outside Metro Bus area Volunteer Driver Program - volunteer driven medical/social service rides Energy Assistance - home heating grants Energy Advisor Service - home visits for energy savings tips Emergency Repair/Replacement of Heating System - furnace/boiler repair/replacement Weatherization - home insulation and minor safety repairs SNAP/Senior SNAP - application assistance for food support Volunteer Tax Assistance - no cost tax preparation and filing assistance Family Assets for Independence in MN (FAIM) Financial Literacy - self-paced financial education/information Vehicle Repair Assistance - financial assistance with vehicle repair (limited) Housing Assistance - Tri-CAP is a Coordinated Entry point for area housing assistance Rebuilding Lives - assistance for homemakers transitioning back into the workforce DRIVE (Donated Car, Leased Car) - low-cost donated vehicles for sale/lease Affordable Connectivity Program - application assistance for internet support General Intake/Referral - resource identification and referral None - I have not used a Tri-CAP service in the past 12 months I don't remember Other - Please identify the program Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service(s) received from Tri-CAP? Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question Title * 3. How did you learn about Tri-CAP? Check all that apply. Friend/Relative Advertisement (Radio, Billboard) Tri-CAP Mailing Tri-CAP website Tri-CAP Newsletter Community Event (county fair, parade, etc.) Social Media: Facebook, Google Tri-CAP Bus Referral from other agency/organization (County, Non-profit, School, Etc.) Other (please specify) If other, please tell us where you heard of Tri-CAP. Question Title * 4. How likely are you to use Tri-CAP programs or services again? Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Question Title * 5. Why are you likely or not likely to work with Tri-CAP again? Likely - Service meets an ongoing need Likely - Tri-CAP program can meet another need Unlikely - Needs met - do not need assistance Unlikely - Need the service but no longer eligible or seeking service elsewhere Other, please specify Question Title * 6. Any other comments or suggestions? Questions 7, 8, 9, 10 &11 help identify responder demographics. If answering for a program client, please use client's information. Question Title * 7. What is your age or the age of the Tri-CAP program client? 0 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 or older Question Title * 8. What is the gender of the Tri-CAP client? Female Male Non-binary Gender Prefer Not to Answer Question Title * 9. Which race/ethnicity best describes the Tri-CAP client? (Please choose only one.) American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black or African American Hispanic White / Caucasian Multiple Ethnicity Question Title * 10. What is the primary language of the Tri-CAP client? English Spanish Somali American Sign Language Other Question Title * 11. In which county do you live? Stearns County Benton County Sherburne County Morrison County Mille Lacs County Other Thank you for your feedback.