Caregiver Support

1.How often would you want caregiver support groups?
2.Is there a best day of the week that works for you for a support group?
3.What times work best to have the caregiver support group?
4.Is there a specific time of day that works best for you to attend a support group?
5.Do you want the support group to be more open to discussion or structured with topics weekly?
6.Below are some common caregiver issues, please check if you would like a presentation on any of these topics.
7.Would you want caregiver support groups specific to a disease? Check all that apply. 
8.If you were to attend a caregiver class would you be interested in a support group to continue after the class ended? Classes are Powerful Tools for Caregiver and Stress-Busters for Caregivers
9.Do you feel support groups are an important option to have available to you?
10.Would you prefer support groups to be in person, virtual or Facebook?
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