We want to help people to have the confidence to cycle safely and often in cities. It would be great to share top tips from our Brompton riders. Here are some we have noted down. Which do you think are most important? Have we missed any?

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* 1. Please rate the following in terms of importance to you when cycling in cities

  Not Important Very Important
Wear a helmet
Use your bell to warn people you are there / coming
Create eye contact with drivers and pedestrians.
Use hand signals
Don't jump red lights
Stay away from the gutter / keep space from pavement
Ride door width from parked cars
Keep a strong / confident position in the road
Never undertake a lorry / large vehicle on the inside
Always look over your shoulder when moving out
Ride in single file
Do a cycling training course

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* 2. Please rate the importance to you when cycling at NIGHT in cities

  Not Important Very Important
ALWAYS use lights when dark
Invest in a good set of lights
Have high vis clothing
Ride in well-lit areas

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* 3. Any other top tips for cycling in cities?

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Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing!