Hey! How ya doin, Ryan! 

If your name is actually Ryan, that was probably pretty weird. 

We've been doing this yearly census to help us better understand the Vlogbrothers audience, what you're into, and how we can best serve this community. Thanks so much for lending your time to this. None of the questions are required. But all of them are appreciated!

 - Hank and John

Question Title

* 1. Which Nerdfighteria Census' have you participated in?

Question Title

* 2. How old are you?

Question Title

* 3. Rank your internet places by how much you enjoy them (#1 is most enjoyed)

Question Title

* 4. Rank your internet places by how much time you spend on them:

Question Title

* 5. How often do you internet to these internet places?

  Daily Weekly Rarely Never

Question Title

* 6. I Follow Hank On:

Question Title

* 7. Which is your favorite Smash Mouth cover band name?

Question Title

* 8. I Follow John On:

Question Title

* 9. What would you like to see more of on Vlogbrothers?

Question Title

* 10. Do you listen to podcasts?

Question Title

* 11. Are you at YouTube Red subscriber?

Question Title

* 12. Best M&M

Question Title

* 13. Click on any you've attended:

Question Title

* 14. Do you plan on attending:

Question Title

* 15. Where do you get news about what's going on in Nerdfighteria?

Question Title

* 16. I think a college education is:

Question Title

* 19. Gender (check all that apply)?

Question Title

* 20. Race or Ethnicity

Question Title

* 21. Is your name Ryan?

Question Title

* 22. PKGo?

Question Title

* 23. Do you feel like you are part of a strong community? (on or offline)

Question Title

* 24. Do you plan on voting in the US election?

Question Title

* 25. I plan to (or would if I could):

Question Title

* 26. How do you feel about these statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Neither way, really Disagree Strongly disagree I feel unqualified to answer
The world has become too politically correct
Sexism and racism are still huge problems in my country
White people frequently deal with racism
Gender and biological sex are not always the same
People need thicker skin and to stop whining so much
Happiness is more important than success
Homosexuality is natural and normal
Empathy and understanding are the most effective ways to deal with disagreement
I feel appreciated
I very rarely take risks
I'm pretty good at a wind instrument
I am optimistic about the future of humanity
People are basically good

Question Title

* 27. Three adjectives that describe Nerdfighteria to you:

Question Title

* 28. Do you feel like you belong in Nerdfighteria?

Question Title

* 29. How did you first hear about the Vlogbrothers?

Question Title

* 30. Check it if the answer is yes. Have you ever:

Question Title

* 31. If you've ever bought stuff from DFTBA.com check all that apply

Question Title

* 32. Are you a SciShow viewer?

Question Title

* 33. Are you a Crash Course viewer?

Question Title

* 34. Are you a Dear Hank and John Listener?

Question Title

* 35. Are you an Art Assignment viewer?

Question Title

* 36. Are you a Mental Floss viewer?

Question Title

* 37. Are you a Healthcare Triage viewer?

Question Title

* 38. Are you a Hankgames viewer?

Question Title

* 39. Are you a Sexplanations viewer?

Question Title

* 40. Are you an Animal Wonders viewer?

Question Title

* 41. What other YouTubers do you like to watch (add as many as you like)?

Question Title

* 42. On YouTube, I watch a lot of:

Question Title

* 43. I have a band, we play nerdy punk music about Harry Potter and Science and Stuff!

Question Title

* 44. How do you hear about new YouTube videos?

Question Title

* 45. How much money do you make?

Question Title

* 46. What's the highest degree you have?

Question Title

* 47. How many followers do you have (twitter, tumblr, YouTube, wherever you have most of your followers)?

Question Title

* 48. Which best describes you:

Question Title

* 49. Favorite Joke (very optional)

Question Title

* 50. Favorite Band 

Question Title

* 51. When did you start watching regularly?

Question Title

* 52. Would you read a weekly email update from hank / john?

Question Title

* 53. Were you aware that one of those already exists and you can sign up for it at hankandjohn.com?

Question Title

* 54. What stuff are you into right now? (books, tv shows, manga, fandoms, etc.)

Question Title

* 55. How much time do you spend watching TV (including streaming TV) per day?

Question Title

* 56. How much time do you spend on the internet per day?

Question Title

* 57. How many books do you read per year?

Question Title

* 58. What John Green Books have you read?

Question Title

* 59. What are you reading right now?

Question Title

* 60. How are you reading it?

Question Title

* 61. What causes are most important to you?

Question Title

* 62. I want to emphasize, before asking this question, that this is an anonymous survey...do you wipe your butt standing or sitting?

Question Title

* 63. Is there anything you don't like about us, the stuff we make, how we communicate, the community, etc?

Question Title

* 64. If there's anything else you'd like to say to us, say it now:

We've been experiencing a bug in which surveys don't get submitted when you hit the button below. If you don't get a confirmation message and, instead, just see a survey with all the questions blank, try hitting the back button. Your survey may still be there and you can submit it again until it goes through.

Sorry about this, I think we may be overloading SurveyMonkey's servers :-)