Questions are relevant only to the last 12 months.

Question Title

* 1. Full name

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* 2. Credentials as you would like them to appear on all AACVPR Annual Meeting marketing materials (example: RN, PhD, FAACVPR, etc.)

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* 3. Do you have an affiliation with a commercial company that will have an impact on the planning of presentation(s) at this activity?

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* 4. Will your presentation include discussion of any commercial product or services?

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* 5. Do you have a financial interest/arrangement or affiliation that would be considered a conflict of interest?

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* 6. Do you have a financial relationship related to: Grant/Research Support?

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* 7. Do you have a financial relationship related to: Consultant?

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* 8. Do you have a financial relationship related to: Speakers' Bureau?

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* 9. Do you have a financial relationship related to: Major Stock Shareholder?

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* 10. Do you have a financial relationship related to: Other Financial or Material Support?

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* 12. Please indicate your understanding of and willingness to comply with each statement below.
  • I have disclosed all relevant financial relationships, and I will disclose this information to learners verbally (for live activities) and in print.
  • The content and/or presentation of the information with which I am involved will promote quality or improvements in healthcare and will not promote a specific proprietary business interest of a commercial interest. Content for this activity, including any presentation of therapeutic options, will be well-balanced, evidence-based and unbiased.
  • I understand that the AACVPR may need to review my presentation and/or content prior to the activity, and I will provide educational content and resources in advance as requested.
  • If I am presenting at a live event, I understand that a monitor will be attending the event to ensure that my presentation is educational, and not promotional, in nature.
  • If I am providing recommendations involving clinical medicine, they will be based on evidence that is accepted within the profession of medicine as adequate justification for their indications and contraindications in the care of patients. All scientific research referred to, reported or used in support of justification of a patient care recommendation will conform to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis.
  • If I am discussing specific health care products or services, I will use generic names to the extent possible. If I need to use trade names, I will use trade names from several companies when available, discuss pros and cons, and not use just trade names from any single company.
  • If I am discussing any product use that is off label, I will disclose that the use or indication in question is not currently approved by the FDA for labeling or advertising.
  • If I have been trained or utilized by a commercial entity or its agent as a speaker (e.g., speaker’s bureau) for any commercial interest, the promotional aspects of that presentation will not be included in any way with this activity.
  • As a presenter of an educational session at AACVPR’s 2019 Annual Meeting, I represent that I own all copyrights to the material in my presentation, or I will obtain written permission for myself and AACVPR to use, reprint and distribute to use and reprint copyrighted material from the copyright holder. I will include all written permissions I receive from others on the materials I submit for this educational session. My selection below indicates that I agree to assume complete responsibility for meeting all applicable copyright laws regarding my presentation
Your signature on the form indicates your agreement to follow the policy, and disclosure of affiliations you have with companies that can have an impact on your planning and/or presentation. A signed Conflict of Interest/Disclosure Declaration form is required for all category 1 programs. I have read the Conflict of Interest/Disclosure Declaration Statement information and agree to abide by this policy. By typing your full legal name and date, you are submitting an electronic version of your signature. Type your full name and date (i.e. Jane Doe 5/15/19).

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* 13. Please indicate your understanding of the AACVPR 34th Annual Meeting Speaker compensation policy as outlined below: 

Breakout and Rapid-Fire Session Presenters
  • AACVPR Member Speakers will receive complimentary full-conference registration.  Once registration opens, you will be sent a code to enter, which will keep the system from charging you the fee. Please note: speakers are responsible for coordinating their own hotel reservations.
  • AACVPR Non-member Speakers will receive a $300 stipend that will be issued following the conference.  In addition, they will receive complimentary full-conference registration.  Once registration opens, you will be sent a code to enter, which will keep the system from charging you the fee. Please note: speakers are responsible for coordinating their own hotel reservations. Stipends will be paid by AACVPR no later than 8 weeks following the date of the presentation.
Pre-Meeting Workshop Session Presenters
  • Each pre-meeting workshop submission will receive a $1,500 travel voucher to be split among accepted speakers.
  • Each pre-meeting workshop submission will be awarded $100 per content half hour, to be divided amongst its speakers.
  • Pre-Meeting workshop speakers conference registration is not waived. 
  • Speakers will be responsible for coordinating their own hotel reservations.
  • Travel vouchers and honorarium will be paid by AACVPR no later than 8 weeks following the date of the presentation.

Your signature on the form indicates your understanding of the above policy. By typing your full legal name and date, you are submitting an electronic version of your signature. Type your full name and date (i.e. Jane Doe 5/15/19).