Copy of Lived Experience: One Minute Parent-to-Parent Survey

One Minute Parent-to-Parent Survey

We are contacting you as fellow parents of young adults with disabilities. The Maine State Legislature has given us all the wonderful opportunity through the newly formed L.D. 924 Task Force to dig in and examine how well current services are meeting our son or daughter’s needs. We are parents but also nominated members of this Task Force, and are inviting you to participate in this one-minute survey because your responses can help improve the Adult Services, Employment, and Continuing Education systems for our sons or daughters with disabilities.
Please take ONE MINUTE NOW to answer the YES or NO questions.
If you have a few extra minutes, please add your comments in the boxes below the questions.

Your answers will be kept confidential within the Task Force members, and your name will not be shared. Please feel free to contact us parents if you have any questions or concerns:

Linda Lee    

Maggie Hoffman
1.Do you feel the needs of your adult-son or daughter are currently being met by Government Funded services (examples: Case Management, Community Programs, Direct Supports, Employment Services, Behavioral Support)
2.During High School do you feel the Transition Plan and process for preparing your adult-son or daughter to transition from High School to adulthood was effective?
3.Did your daughter or son work during High School (paid employment or volunteer work)?
4.During High School do you feel that your son or daughter’s involvement with Vocational -Rehab was effective?
5.After High School do you feel your adult-daughter or son’s involvement with Vocational-Rehab has been effective?
6.Is your adult-son or daughter employed in an integrated setting for more than 10 hours per week, earning at least minimum wage?
7.After High School has your adult-daughter or son continued on to Higher Education, (Community College or University) or participated in Adult Education?
8.Does your son or daughter demonstrate a sense of purpose, meaning, and belonging in their life and in their community?
9.(optional data)

Age of your son or daughter with disabilities?     

Your age (parent)?

County of Residence?

10.I would like to participate in a more extensive survey that may involve a university research partner. If Yes, please share your email address in the comment box.
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered