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Application for Admission Summer 2025 and Fall 2025:

The Following Must Be Submitted to be Officially Accepted to LCOOU:

1. Complete and submit your application for admission.

2. Submit Official High School Transcripts and/or GED/HSED completion (Please note: the survey requires documentation to complete; if documents are not available, please upload a document stating when the documentation should be expected by and from which institution). Please submit documents or receipt of documentation needed for admissions. The application requires documentation to be uploaded, in order to complete application.

3. If Applicable, complete and submit Tribal Verification (Tribal ID and/or CDIB). A Certificate of Indian Blood (CDIB).

4. Please note that the Associate of Science Nursing Program requires an additional application process following admission to the university. All applicants will collaborate directly with the Nursing Program Director to complete this process.

5. If applying for LCOOU's Graduate programs, please see Graduate Application.

6. Once you have completed your admissions application, make sure you complete your FAFSA or Federal Application for Federal Student Aid. If you need assistance in completing these forms, please contact the LCOOU Financial Aid office at

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1. First Name:

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2. Middle Name:

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3. Last Name:

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4. Suffix (Jr, Sr, III, etc..)

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5. Preferred Name:

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6. Birth/Maiden Name:

Question Title

7. Date of Birth:


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8. Gender:

Question Title

9. Marital Status

Question Title

10. Why do I need to provide my Social Security Number?
Students applying for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) are required to provide their social security number to be eligible for aid.

Social Security Number

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11. Ethnicity

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12. What is your primary race and ethnicity

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13. Tribal Affiliation (If Applicable)

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14. If applicable, all applicants who identify as a Federally Recognized American Indian must submit a copy of their CDIB and/or Tribal ID.  Please upload document here.  If not applicable, please move on to the next question.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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15. Citizenship

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16. Mailing Address

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17. Are you currently serving in the United States military, or not?

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18. Spouse or dependent of Veteran who is deceased or is currently serving.

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19. Are you an Individual with disabilities?

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20. An individual from economically disadvantaged families, including low-income youth and adults?

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21. Are you a first-generation college student?

To qualify as a first-generation college student, you must meet one of the following criteria: 
  • An individual both of whose parents did not complete a baccalaureate degree: or in the case of any individual who regularly resided with and received support from only one parent, an individual whole only such parent did not complete a baccalaureate degree.

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22. Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University Enrollment Information:

Anticipated Academic Enrollment Year

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23. At which location or site will you be taking your courses?

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24. What degree will you be seeking at LCOOU?

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26. What best describes you?

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27. High School Student taking Early College Credit-Please check all below.

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28. High School
Please list your secondary school (high school) attended, or GED/HSED completion. A complete date is when you obtained your diploma and is required to be on file in order to be considered eligible for Financial Aid. Contact your high school transcripts or Department of Instruction for your GED/HSED credential verifications. GED/HSED Credential Verifications | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

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29. High School City and State

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30. High School Graduation or GED/HSED completion date

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31. LCOOU requires a copy of Official High School Transcripts/HSED/GED completion to be submitted in order to be officially accepted. Please load documents here, this is a required question that must be completed to submit application.
Please contact your High School Records Department and/or DPI for official records. If you are in the process of requesting those documents, please upload a word document stating status. Please note deadlines on LCOOU Academic Calendar.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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32. Most Recent College/University Information

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33. Audio and Visual Release Statement
(Please review and check yes or no)
  • I give permission to Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University (LCOOU) to use my name, portrait, picture, video or audio equivalent for the purposes of use on the internet, publication, viewing, display, sound or training purposes.
  • I agree all such material shall remain property of LCOOU.
  • I also understand that the material will be used in good taste and without discrimination.

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34. FERPA Consent
Directory Information: Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), you may restrict the release of your directory information. The following items are considered directory information available to the public: name, address, telephone number, date of birth, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, sex, marital status, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, most recent previous educational agency or institution attended, parent/spouse/guardian name and address. Photographs of students on campus or engaged in school-related activities may be used by the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University without prior consent for not-for-profit promotional materials that support the work of or provide information about the University. No other information will be released to a third party, except as provided by law, without your prior written consent. If you wish to restrict the release of the directory information items above, you must file a signed statement to that effect with the Registrar's Office within two weeks after the first day of class for any given term.

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35. I declare that the information provided by me on this form is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I agree that the above information may be shared with LCOOU personnel, Bureau of Indian Affairs, my tribe, and state/federal/tribal programs. This information may include a copy of my grade transcripts. I further agree that the LCOOU Business Office may endorse and deposit all financial aid checks issued and apply payment to my account. Any remaining amount would be refunded to me. I agree to report any outside scholarships received and other funding sources to the LCOOU Financial Aid Office. I further agree to notify, in writing, Student Services if there is a change to any of this information, including permanent or mailing address.

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36. Electronic Signature (please insert signature below).

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