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Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University
Application for Admission Summer 2025 and Fall 2025:
The Following Must Be Submitted to be Officially Accepted to LCOOU:
1. Complete and submit your application for admission.
2. Submit Official High School Transcripts and/or GED/HSED completion (Please note: the survey requires documentation to complete; if documents are not available, please upload a document stating when the documentation should be expected by and from which institution). Please submit documents or receipt of documentation needed for admissions. The application requires documentation to be uploaded, in order to complete application.
3. If Applicable, complete and submit Tribal Verification (Tribal ID and/or CDIB). A Certificate of Indian Blood (CDIB).
4. Please note that the Associate of Science Nursing Program requires an additional application process following admission to the university. All applicants will collaborate directly with the Nursing Program Director to complete this process.
5. If applying for LCOOU's Graduate programs, please see Graduate Application.
6. Once you have completed your admissions application, make sure you complete your FAFSA or Federal Application for Federal Student Aid. If you need assistance in completing these forms, please contact the LCOOU Financial Aid office at