For the second year in a row, Massachusetts is undertaking a statewide count of youth who are homeless or unstably housed. In Western Massachusetts, the count will take place January 28 through February 3, 2015. The work is being coordinated by the Hampden and Three-County Continuums of Care.

To identify as many youth as possible, the CoCs need the help of the many local agencies and schools throughout the region who connect to youth—especially those homeless youth who are LBGTQ or who are under 18. The CoCs need people willing to coordinate the count in their town, and adults and youth who would be willing to distribute count surveys.

To help with this effort, we are gathering preliminary information to help us identify organizations, adults and youth who will assist with this effort, as well as information about sites at which youth are known to congregate.

Question Title

* 1. How (in what setting) do you typically encounter youth?

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* 2. List places in your area where youth are known to congregate (be specific, and identify the town you are reporting for). If there is a particular time of day that a site is popular, please include that information.

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