2022 SNO Lifetime Achievement Award

The SNO Lifetime Achievement Award is given to a meritorious individual who has made significant contributions in neuro-oncology over the course of his or her career, either in clinical care and/or clinical, translational or basic research.  The recipient is honored as a guest of the Society at the SNO Annual Meeting and is presented with a commemorative plaque and a $2000 honorarium.
It is anticipated that:

  • The candidate shall have a career span of 20+ years in the neuro-oncology field.
  • The individual has trained, influenced or motivated many of the current clinicians and investigators in neuro-oncology.
  • The individual has been a strong advocate, supporter and leader in the field of neuro-oncology.  
  • Over the course of his or her career, the individual has made significant and lasting contributions to the field.

Nominations for this award may be submitted by members and non-members of SNO.  The SNO Awards Committee shall evaluate the nominees based on the criteria above and make a recommendation to the SNO Board of Directors.  
Eric Bouffet
Gregory Cairncross
Jonathan Finlay
Webster Cavenee
Margaret Wrensch
WK Alfred Yung
Darell Bigner
Jerome Posner
Peter Burger
Charles Wilson
William and Joan Shapiro (co-awardees)
Victor Levin

SNO is dedicated to racial, social, and economic equity for members the patients its members serve. The Society celebrates diversity, and all members and staff are supported and embraced regardless of race, religion, gender, gender identity, or national origin.  Nominators are encouraged to consider diversity, equity and inclusion in the nominations process.
1.Name of Nominee
2.Brief description of why this individual is deserving of this award
3.Your Name
Current Progress,
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