Sunday, May 14th @ Zellerbach, from 8:45-11:30am

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* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 3. SID #

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* 4. Best email address

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* 5. Are you participating in commencement on Sunday, May 14, 2017?

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* 6. Do you want your name and thesis title published in the program?

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* 7. How should your name be listed in the program?

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* 8. Please write the phonetic spelling of your name

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* 9. What degree are you receiving?

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* 10. What date did you/will you file?

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* 11. PhD graduates: List your Dissertation Chair

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* 12. PhD graduates: Who will be hooding you?

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* 13. PhD graduates: What is your dissertation title?

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* 14. PhD graduates: Please list any Designated Emphasis you have

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* 15. PhD graduates: Is your dissertation committee in GLOW correct (please double-check)?

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* 16. PhD graduates: Are you a member of Phi Beta Kappa?

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* 17. MA graduates: List your MA Chair (first reader)

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* 18. MA graduates: What is your MA thesis title?

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* 19. How many FREE tickets do you need? (PhD= 6; MA=2)
    - You can purchase more tickets from Cal Performances ($10/each) -

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* 20. Does one of your guests need special accommodations for a physical challenge?

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* 21. Do you plan to attend the Sociology reception?