Recommendations released to the Eastern Michigan University Community for general feedback

In December 2016, President James Smith impaneled the President's Commission on Diversity & Equity. After a year of meeting on a biweekly basis, collecting information, the Commission has developed a set of preliminary recommendations.
Charge for the Commission:
· Provide recommendations to undertake systematic campus climate assessment, including a study on the campus racial climate;
· Identify existing programs and resources that have succeeded in strengthening a climate of respect and inclusiveness on our campus and other campuses; and
· Provide input, and make specific recommendations, to the President and to the campus community about campus climate and the means of creating a more inclusive culture.
In person Open Forums: Please contact Dr Dibya Choudhuri at if you have a group that would like to meet face to face with a Commission member.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us your affiliation with Eastern Michigan University

Question Title

* 2. For each of the recommendations listed below, please tell us if you endorse the recommendation. In the comments section, please give any specific feedback you may have as well as additional points to add.

  Endorse Do not endorse
A Biennial Campus Climate Assessment developed by an external agency according to specified criteria and implemented through appropriate university offices
A Periodic Institutional Diversity Audit administered by appropriate offices, to gather data on the diversity, equity and inclusion profile of all university programs, protocols, policies, facilities, students, and personnel
The Creation of an Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion led by a chief diversity officer reporting directly to the President and sitting as a member of the Executive Council.
A Comprehensive University Strategic Action Plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, informed by the data secured from the Biennial Campus Climate Assessment and the Institutional Diversity Audit.
A Diversity Impact Analysis that integrates  considerations of DEI into routine decision making processes throughout the university.
An Accountability Driven Performance Evaluation System that includes DEI metrics for all hiring authorities.
Development of a Masters degree in Africology and African American Studies
General Education assessment of student learning outcomes for DEI.
Inclusion of student representation in General Education Assessment.
Consideration by the EMU faculty of the feasibility and structure of a required, team-taught, interdisciplinary, interdepartmental course offered by each College, and supported by the Dean of each College, on systemic and structural inequality in contemporary America, and on solutions for eliminating these phenomena.
Community engagement and transformation through (1) Bringing together students, faculty, administrators, and community representatives, to assess the various initiatives historically and currently being offered in the community and (2) Developing a model for assessing the business aspects and profitability of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in terms of recruitment, retention, talent leverage, and leadership.

Question Title

* 3. Please tell us your vision for the Eastern Michigan University Community with regard to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

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* 4. If you had one recommendation that you believe would be critical for transformation, what might it be?