ThinkTWENTY20 Magazine Readership Survey

Survey Questions

ThinkTWENTY20 is seeking information to better understand your opinions and preferences about the magazine. We will very much appreciate our help with this survey. We expect your participation to take no more than 5 minutes of your time.
Your feedback will remain strictly confidential. Results will be reported in aggregate, so that no individual responses are identifiable.
1.What topical areas are most likely to be of interest or useful to you? Check all that apply.
2.Which of the following sources of information do you use to help you stay informed and build your thought leadership? Check all that apply.
3.Do you find the short content summaries in the newsletter format increase your interest in reading the long-form article?
4.How would you rate the value you receive from ThinkTWENTY Magazine? Rate on a scale of 0 - 7 with 7 as the highest
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Don’t know
5.In the rest of the survey, we would like to ask a few demographic questions to help us enhance the needs of our readers by knowing more about you.
8.Management Level