Thank you for your interest in attending Global Petroleum Show, June 13 - 15, 2017.

Please note that this registration portal is reserved for members of the media only. 

Not a member of the press? Click here to instead register as a visitor.

APPLICATION PROCESS: All submissions will be reviewed to confirm media accreditation. We will advise you of your confirmation or regret shortly.

If you have questions about the accreditation, please contact:
Erica Morgan <>
Ashlee Smith <>

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 3. URL of bylined-article published within the last six months:

Question Title

* 4. Video Feature URL

Question Title

* 5. Areas of interest / Interview requests

Question Title

* 6. May we provide your contact information to exhibitors who have announcements or news to share?

If you have questions about the accreditation, please contact:
Erica Morgan <>
Ashlee Smith <>