5% of survey complete.
I would like to invite you to participate in a research study concerning interdisciplinary music and dance pedagogy.

My name is Adrienne Harding, a candidate for a Master of Science in Arts Administration at Drexel University. This survey is designed for research toward my master's thesis to determine whether dance movement would be a valuable resource for college music programs. Although the survey is geared toward college music program faculty, administrators, and staff, it is not meant to discourage participation from anyone who has an interest in this topic.

Please allow 10-15 minutes to take this survey. Your responses will be completely anonymous and will not be stored for any purpose outside of this study. However, if you would be interested in further study, there will be an opportunity to provide contact information at the end of the survey. I also welcome your contact via email if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you, in advance, for your contribution to this study. I appreciate your time, consideration, and participation, which I intend to help serve the breadth of knowledge for the field of music and potentially dance scholarship.


Adrienne Harding
Master of Science Candidate, ​Arts Administration (​Drexel University,​ '15)
Master of Music, Flute Performance (University of Delaware, 2001)
Phone: 302-388-9318
Email: harding@fulbrightmail.org
Web: www.adrienneharding.com